Publication 2008 “Night poems”, collection of poems in the Dutch translation by Willem Stoetzer (with the original Arabic text), Majdalouna Art, Amsterdam2006 “Verlichte Tuinen, een essay over de kunstenaar Jos van Wunnik en zijn oeuvre”; Transformatie in kleur, Aurora Productions, Scharwoude2004 “Arabische kunstenaars schilderen Bergen in Nederland”; Kunsten in beweging 1980-2000, Sdu Uitgevers, The Hague1993 “Night Poems”, Collection of Poems (in Arabic), Sahara, Budapest1993 “Day Poems”, Collection of Poems (in Arabic), Sahara, Budapest1984 “Influence de Paris sur les artistes Libanais autour de 1970”, University of Amsterdam1981 “Jeune fille versant du lait de Johannes Vermeer, Etude analytique”, Sorbonne1978 “Surrealism, History and Foundations”, Lebanese University (in Arabic)