  • 2008 “Night poems”, collection of poems in the Dutch translation by Willem Stoetzer (with the original Arabic text), Majdalouna Art, Amsterdam
  • 2006 “Verlichte Tuinen, een essay over de kunstenaar Jos van Wunnik en zijn oeuvre”; Transformatie in kleur, Aurora Productions, Scharwoude
  • 2004 “Arabische kunstenaars schilderen Bergen in Nederland”; Kunsten in beweging 1980-2000, Sdu Uitgevers, The Hague
  • 1993 “Night Poems”, Collection of Poems (in Arabic), Sahara, Budapest
  • 1993 “Day Poems”, Collection of Poems (in Arabic), Sahara, Budapest
  • 1984 “Influence de Paris sur les artistes Libanais autour de 1970”, University of Amsterdam
  • 1981 “Jeune fille versant du lait de Johannes Vermeer, Etude analytique”, Sorbonne
  • 1978 “Surrealism, History and Foundations”, Lebanese University (in Arabic)